Episode 19 - Installing window


When I’ve visited southern California I’ve been struck by the absence of window screens. Apparently flying insects aren’t a problem there. But they sure are where I live in the north- east. I want to be able to sit in the skoolie after dark with the house lights on and not attract a swarm of bugs. So I set out to make some window screens for the skoolie. I’ve seen other skoolie YouTubers make screens from a kit, and that’s what I did - ten of them. After you get the hang of it, the assembly goes pretty quickly. Figuring out how to fasten the the screens to the bus was a little trickier. I wanted to use existing screws to avoid drilling new holes in the exterior. And I I wanted to make the fasteners adjustable to to ensure a good seal. I ended up using 1” wide aluminum strips with a threaded hole for a set screw. They work great. There was a pleasant surprise when I read the instructions that came with the screen kits. Apparently if I use clear plastic instead of screen material, I can make storm windows. Skoolie owners in cold climates go to great efforts to make insulated window coverings to cope with our leaky windows. This could be an alternative to that. Click the image below to see episode19 on my YouTube channel. And while you’re there, click the Subscribe button so you don’t miss subsequent episodes.
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